The first blog that I had went on was Serina's Blog. I thought Serina's 2nd draft of her Reading Response was interesting, because she didnt tell us alot about what the book was about. I thought that she didnt tell us alot about the book was because she maybe didnt want to spoil it for us, and also because she wanted us to read the book.
The second blog that i had went on was Amani's Blog. I thought Amani had put in alot of Thought and Effort into her writing, especially with details. Also I liked how she could relate her own life to Miles (the character in her story) Life and to the book.
The third and last blog that I had went on was Kamillah's Blog. I thought that Kamillah had made her post very short and simple with some details. Because first off she made her post very nice and childish, like it was talking about little kids. But then she started talking about when your getting older and im guessing when people go through puberty, all of your thoughts change, and you get more mature (well atleast most of us). Also you dont get those childish thoughts anymore about playing at the park, but its natural to get those thoughts once in a while. Then she wraps it up with her opinon and how she feels about the response she was writing to. (My Papa's Waltz)
So to Everyone that I had written about, or even if I didnt write about. Good Job and Keep up the Good Work.
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