Friday, March 25, 2011


I had found a lot of really good information about William Shakespeare, like for Example William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, allegedly on April 23rd, 1564. William Shakespeare was then baptized in a Holy Trinity Church on April 26th, 1564, 3 days after he was born. William Shakespeare’s Father who was John Shakespeare was a Glover and a Leather Merchant. Meanwhile his mother Mary Arden was a landed local heiress. I thought that this was interesting because how did William Shakespeare become The Greatest Writer alive, if his Father was a Leather Merchant and his mother was the Landed Local Heiress? They probably didn’t have any time to teach him how to read or write, but that was what school for them was.

William Shakespeare appeared to be the third of eight children in the Shakespeare’s household, but 3 of his siblings had died in their early child hood. The two children that John and Mary had given birth to before William Shakespeare had died in their early ages, so when William Shakespeare was born, he was their first child that they really had taken care of. William Shakespeare had attended the free grammar school in Stratford, where he was well educated to learn how to read and write. But William had never gone on to University Schooling, which we now call College. I thought that William Shakespeare’s child hood life was really bad because he had 3 siblings that had died, and he didn’t even meet two of his siblings because they were born before him. Also I thought that William Shakespeare had a rough child hood because he probably didn’t have many friends to hang out with, so he just stayed home and practiced his Language skills. But that had paid off very well because he is the Greatest Writer Alive today. I learned that Later on in William Shakespeare's Life he had gotten married to his wife named Anne Hathaway on November 28, 1582. I thought that this was cool, because there is an actress named Anne Hathaway, and I just thought it could’ve been a coincidence. William was at the age of 18 when he got married to Anne, and Anne was at the age of 26 when she had married William. Anne Hathaway was pregnant with William’s baby when they had gotten married, so about 5-6 months later their very own baby was born. Susanna was born on May 26th, 1583; she was William’s first baby. William and Anne later had twins named Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet and Judith were born on February 2nd, 1585. Hamnet died at the age of 11, on August 11th, 1596.

In 1592 also known as the "Lost Years", William Shakespeare came to London and had established himself as an actor and playwright. By 1954, William Shakespeare was acting, writing plays for Lord Chamberlain's Men (called the king's men after the ascension of James the first is 1603), and he was a managing partner in the operation as well. William Shakespeare’s play went public and was very popular that year. I thought that William Shakespeare had been inspired to write sonnets and books based on the plays that he wrote, or he wrote plays based on the books that he had written. Also I thought that William Shakespeare only stayed in this business because he wanted to do it for the money, like for example if his plays went public and a lot of people came to see it, then he would make a lot of money from the stuff that he had written.

William Shakespeare had written 154 sonnets, 4 poems, and 37 plays. So in total he had written 195 pieces of Literature that he has written. I thought that William Shakespeare had written so many plays because it was mostly based on his Life, Childhood, Love, etc. I also think that William Shakespeare probably always had a piece of paper and a pen with him so that he could jot down notes, ideas, and information to add to his sonnet, poem, or play.

I had learned a lot from this “Be a Detective Extra Credit” because I learned a lot of stuff that I didn’t know about William Shakespeare before, such as I learned that he was the third of eight children and three of his siblings had died and two of his siblings that were older than him had died in their early ages. I also learned that William Shakespeare was also married to his wife named Anne Hathaway which is also an actress’s name, and I thought this was very fascinating. Also I thought this helped me a little to understand more about William Shakespeare’s life more about why he had written Romeo &Juliet, and I think whoever doesn’t understand Romeo & Juliet, then they should look up William Shakespeare’s Biography and they would probably learn more about his writing and his writing techniques.

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